Federal Issues

Federal Issues
Q1. Please explain your interpretation of the Tenth Amendment and the principle of nullification. Do states have a right of nullification? What should the federal government do if a state attempts nullification?

A. There should be no interpretation of Article V and the 10th Amendment. One of the key foundations of America’s vast success is that the central government may never take power from the states and the people that the states do not willing yield to the Fed by the ratification process.

We are the first country in the history of the world to do this, and combined with the rest of our U.S. Constitution and our Bill of Rights, it is the key to our success.

Today we do not have ANY compliance of the 10th Amendment nor Article V by the U.S. Senate and the current Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid.

82 senators illegally voted down the 4th Amendment of the inalienable Bill of Rights, and these 82 senators and 219 representatives need to be arrested.

They have violated their oath … Reid, McCain, McConnell, Graham and our own … Cornyn.

Q2. What have you done, or will commit to do, to reduce federal spending? Where specifically do the cuts need to be made?

A. There should not be ANY increase in federal spending, nor ANY increase in the debt. We are on the border of destroying free markets, as 38-42% of the taxation rate is when free markets fail (European model).

We are on the border of totally destroying our ability to produce wealth.

The Fed should get off their backsides and get themselves out of debt, using the vast resources of the federal government in the land holdings and natural resources. Get our industry back, and control the means of production that causes pollution overseas (20 of the 30 worst polluted cities are in China).

Every Federal program should be used to first address and transition the 80 million people on government assistance ($720,000,000,000 a year) from taking away from generating wealth, into a self-sustaining, privately-owned, free-market economy (The opposite of what the left is trying to do–kill the free markets and place them on government assistance for the purpose of control).

Creativity, curiosity, innovation and commitment are destroyed with central control.

Q3. At what point should the “right to life” or “personhood” be granted to new human beings (e.g., at conception, birth, 5 days old, etc)? What action, if any, will you take to reflect this in law?

A. The human soul in inserted into an unborn child well prior to birth as documented in Psalm 139. We need to address what abortion really is … power. Women who do not want to have unscrupulous men have power over them.

Abortions should be banned for every case that uses blood for politics and power. Funding for abortions should only be for rape, incest and threat to the mother’s health (as defined by the doctor, not the mother). I also would add to those, adultery, abandonment and abuse of the mother, but only when there is no heartbeat in the unborn child.

Federal funding of death should stop. Instead, fund life and fund adoption.

We should fund life, and I have worked with crisis pregnancy centers and invited several unwed mothers into our home. As we have funded death, we should fund life. I also support the Texas sonogram bill, requiring every mother to look at the child they are about to abort.

Q4. Please list all rights to which non-citizens are entitled.

A. I do not support any action, nor any legislation, that gives an illegal alien any rights or privileges over those who desire to come here legally.

Seal the border with Mexico, while still allowing rancher and farmer access to the river. No actions should place an illegal immigrant above the position of an immigrant waiting to come here legally.

Address illegal immigration in our state by enforcing existing laws, including prosecution of employers, and focusing on the three different types of illegal aliens that are here:

a. For those who are here who are with the intention to work (the majority), they may stay as prosecuted felons with probation that removes their ability to vote and own a weapon. The length of probation would be the time required for them to go to the back of the line and then wait their turn behind immigrants who are coming here legally.

b. For those who cause harm with criminal activity, prosecute, imprison, and deport them.

c. For those who are here to freeload on our economy, identify and deport them.

Q5. Please list at least three (3) federal agencies that most clearly fall outside the scope of the U. S. Constitution and should be scaled back or phased out.

A1. Education – There are three areas of unrestrained corruption in our county. government, media and academia. The U.S. Department of Education is one of the most dishonest, most corrupt organizations. Education should be state-equipped and locally controlled.

Central control kills education, and it kills creativity, curiosity, innovation and determination. We have gone from the best in the world to the worst, while spending the most. American teachers are the highest paid teachers in the world, but 50% of all new teachers quit in five years, sick of the control from the system.

2. The Department of Homeland Security needs to become a subset of the Department of Defense. The military equipping and force projection of the DHS is a violation of Posse Comitatus. Constitutionally, the congress should equip, train and provide and supervise the armed forces. The president should not have his own domestic force.

3. The Environmental Protection Agency will change to become the Environmental Management Agency, with a new mission to ASSIST and help business be successful and provide research and development costs as well as equipment for clean operations, not the punitive agency that it currently is.

4. The Federal Election Commission

5. Corporation for Public Broadcasting (all PBS)
There are at least 12 more whose functions can be eliminated or consolidated. All agencies need to assist in the crisis against the top five.

Q6. What should the U.S. strategy be in dealing with the unrest in the Middle East?

A. We need to understand the middle-eastern mind and the source of the fighting that dates back 4000 years to Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael. The Arabs will always be unstable and aggrieved based on the history of the promised land, the promised blessing of God, the genetic history (they are all cousins) and who claims Abraham. There will be no peace until this history is addressed.

In the interim discussion (there won’t be any – see Genesis 16:10-12), we should stand solidly by Israel. Iran should not be allowed to gain nuclear capability, nor should any nation IAW the nuclear non-proliferation agreement.

In addition, we should immediately destroy the four IED plants in Iran that have killed the most U.S. servicemen in the Middle East. Economic sanctions should continue as long as Iran remains intent on destroying Israel (“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”).

Q7. There have been several mass shootings in recent years. What, if anything, should the federal government do to solve this problem?

A. They should listen to their own research. The DOJ, DSH, FBI and INTERPOL all say that an armed society is a polite, safe and crime free society; criminality should be dangerous to the criminals.

The reason for guns is so the guilty strong will not overpower and hurt the innocent weak. The government today is the guilty strong, and they are attempting to remove the ability of the innocent weak to defend themselves.

People say they do not want a wild west shootout, but we already have one in the four “no gun” cities of D.C., Chicago, New Orleans and Detroit … in these cities, 80% of gun deaths occur.

Since the unconstitutional imposition of “separation of church and state” in 1963, we have lost the thinking that we can teach ethics to kids. We need to start teaching solid morality, selflessness, service, integrity and honor.

We need to attack the dishonor of our academics; those that teach hate for our country in our schools and universities need to be held accountable for the actions of the far leftists they create. ALL of the shooters have been left-wing activists bent on punishing people for socially normal U.S. Constitutional freedoms.

Q8. Please explain your interpretation of “separation of church and state,” and list some actions you have taken that illustrate your position.

A. The very first action, of the very first constitutional convention, was to fight over human rights and document in inalienable law that the state would never be allowed to take our inalienable freedoms.

The first line of the very first amendment says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

“Separation of church and state” is not in the U.S. Constitution, nor any founding document, nor even mentioned in any of the Federalist Papers.

It is the U.S. Supreme Court that manufactured the use of the term, against 157 legal precedents that were presented that outlined the prior rulings supporting religious freedoms. The court ignored the legality of the previous precedents and established the term in 1963, appropriating it from Thomas Jefferson’s obscure, private, non-legal, non-federal government letter written to the Danbury Baptists to assure them that a rival denomination was not going to be named a national religion.

The court just made it up, and got it wrong, since Jefferson had written the assurance that “there is an inseparable wall between church and state.”

Today, college professors have more freedom than our churches. The IRS needs to get off the back of the churches, and remove the ridiculous provision that ANY political activity of churches will result in being taxed out of existence. The civil rights movement would not have happened with the IRS punitive actions of today.

Q9. Briefly explain your position on the federal role in education and your thoughts about Common Core.
A. See my comments about closing the U.S. Department of Education. Common Core is communism, our colleges and universities are corrupt, and in the tank for communists/statists/socialists/globalists.

Education reform needs to be on a five-point, state-led plan dismantling the central control system in effect today.

Change the mission to “Assist the parents in preparing their children for their individual children’s futures.”

Resource the classroom – no more than 10-12 children, with 15 maximum in emergencies. Social psychology shows the evil of mob mentality starting at 15.

Resource the leadership – the principal cannot care for 110 teachers. Mid-level management and layers of leadership with a tiered pay scale according to performance and leadership; remove tenure. Empower the principal, and get out of the way.

Remove higher levels of control above the principals between them and the state board of education. Texas has 57 superintendent six-figure, PhD-level control offices (min 250K, max 476K)–that kills education creativity, curiosity, innovation and determination.

Provide tools for local involvement in the classroom and curriculum, as needed by the local community.
Let people leave failing schools.

Q10. What are the mandatory components of a viable Guest Worker program, and what criteria would you require for each factor?

A. American workers come first.
American workers first. If our REAL unemployment rate is above 5%, we need to restrict the foreign worker program to give more opportunity for Americans to be free of government control by government dependency.

Q11. What is the federal government’s proper role in the delivery of healthcare, and what specific approach do you propose to get us there?

A. The Federal Government is to PROVIDE for the common defense and PROMOTE the general welfare. IF the free markets cannot provide for health care affordability, then the federal government should only supply the means for the poor to purchase healthcare on the free markets–a voucher for 1.01% of the poverty level (our U.S. “poverty” level is middle-class European living).

The purchase of health care with the vouchers will allow health care costs to lower as the paying base increases. Cost is $85 billion a year … just 15 aircraft carriers a year … much less than the $600 billion a year cost of the illegal and unconstitutional ACA.

Allow people to not purchase if they desire, and select the ability to not be covered. Let them make their own arrangements.

Q12. What individuals and/or organizations should have the right of exemption for religious reasons to aspects of Obamacare that violate their religious beliefs? To what extent should they be exempted?

A. The ACA violates the 1st Amendment freedom of religion, it violates the 4th Amendment right of privacy, it violates the 10th Amendment, it violates Article V and Article I Section 7 (All revenue bills must originate in the House of Representatives … the ACA originated in the Senate).

Everyone should be exempt. I support a full repeal.

Q13. Please describe a couple of life events and/or people from the first 40 years of your life who drove who you became as a person and a legislator.

A. I am not a legislator. We have too many politicians and lawyers and not enough historians, scientists and warriors.

When I was 23, I planned and led a mission where 14 people died, and I had to watch them burn to death. I pledged then that if anyone would ever subvert or destroy the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, I would fight them. I took an oath of office that does not expire with my 20 years of service … and my service to my country does not end with retirement.

I enjoyed my 20 years of teaching the most complex technologies and employment doctrine in the F-15, and spending time with young men, forging them into selfless warriors–often a challenge in today’s society of self.

My career was cut short by a four-year fight with leukemia, caused by a new phased-array radar … four of my friends contracted the cancer, and two have died. For them, and for the 700,000 others who died for our freedoms, we must get them back by all means available.

The first thing that is required is will and dedication to our Constitutional oaths.

Q14. Please describe under what specific circumstances governmental rights or interests should override parental rights or interests in regard to the welfare of children.

A. Never – the only time the government should have any rights is if all the family and relatives are dead.

Q15. Please list the most recent three (3) pieces of key legislation, how you voted (or would have voted) on each, and why.

A. The ACA – I would have voted no and voted down the funding. I would have voted down the cloture. I would have voted down the NDAA for violation of the 6th Amendment. I would have stopped the vote on changing the 2nd Amendment … it is an illegal (outside of Article V) vote.

The Senate has no power to change the Bill of Rights, even voting on changing the Bill of Rights without proposing amendments for ratification by the states is illegal. We may need to arrest some legislators.

I would have removed the powers of the president to conduct unrestricted drone warfare, as I am against offensive drone operations in peacetime. A hellfire missile is not surgical strike … Navy SEALS are.

I would have voted against ANY funding for anything in Diane Feinstein’s illegal National Security Agency (NSA) spending and spying, and would expose the black protocol cover up of the 800 local fusion centers across the U.S.

EVERY illegal fusion center needs to be destroyed.

What is needed at this point against the incredible corruption are independent prosecutors for Obama/Holder/Sebelius/IRS/DOJ/ and the attached list of potential illegal actions in my lengthy screed.

Q16. What changes do you support to federal entitlements to make them affordable?

A. Get the fed to get itself out of debt. All of the research shows that the majority of people on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), or “welfare,” want to work. We are already paying $46,000 a year per each person on welfare. Change the EPA to the Environmental Management Agency, and go after the almost unlimited resources that the federal government has on federal properties–oil, gas, gold, silver, timber, iron ore, heavy metals, etc.–and get the people who are taking to become people who are generating wealth.

Pay off the national debt with raw materials, and decrease taxes as the debt servicing decreases. Get out of the way, and off people’s backs.

Q17. What measures can Congress take to ensure the preservation of traditional family values, and what is your commitment to fight for those measures?

A. Restore the freedom of religion guaranteed by the 1st Amendment. Remove the IRS penalties to churches that are active in the community and politics. Churches should be able to say whatever they want, whenever they want.

Teach ethics in school, ensure local control of schools, ensure community involvement in schools, and ensure school choice for people to escape failing schools.

Enforce the laws on the books, and fight government control of land rights, as well as parental rights.

Q18. What issue will be the focal point of your attention in 2015? Describe what makes you passionate about that issue.

A. I have five points of focus that will require constant attention to restore our republic:
1. Inner city decay caused by failed education, no jobs and no ownership;
2. Federal criminal actions against the U.S. Constitution, destroying liberty;
3. Debt and currency collapse;
4. Economic stagnation and depression; and
5. Culture war.

Q19. What are the pros and cons of central banking? Please include in your discussion the Federal Reserve in particular and its policies and actions.

A. The Rothschild banks and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have pulled strings for too long. I am a solid believer in the evil of central banking and the desire for globalism under their economic thumb.

We can lose our liberty to evil of communism/socialism just as easily, if we lose our currency and our freedoms to debt.

It is one of the five pillars set against our ability to survive as a nation. We need more credit unions, local banks and lending institutions against the cabal and the IMF.

Audit the Federal Reserve, and restore our currency backed by gold, solid backing with the ore that is mined and smelted by the vast number of people who want to transition from welfare to work.

Remove IMF control of the FED. Restore the FED control under the U.S. Congress.

Q20. What actions should America take in regard to Iran’s nuclear capabilities?
A. Iran should never become a nuclear nation, ever. The middle eastern conflict dates back 4000 years and will not be overcome by simple negotiations.

The middle eastern mind will use the weapon as soon as the capability exists. Additionally, the four IED plants in Iran (that have been working continuously since 1990) need to be destroyed, and should have been destroyed 23 years ago. Close it, or lose it.

As long as Iran continues moving toward nuclear capability, they must have sanctions and interventions. Operational capability must be interrupted by whatever means necessary.

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